Negative Spaces

This series takes its inspiration from the Japanese concept of the word Ma. Ma is a Kanji character that represents an interval, a gap that exists between two entities.
Through my photographic practice, I am always interested to study the relationship inhabitants have with their urban environment. During this journey, the tensions and contradictions between individualism and the collective, tradition, and modernity, quickly brought me to the question of « in-between ».
I chose to focus on these pauses, these individual cracks, paradoxical in their overloaded urban surroundings. These empty zones free of definitions allow our imagination to interpret the space.
Following this traditional thought, the subject is shifted from the objects to the relationship that binds them together.
The empty becomes more important than the full.
The dissonant elements that appear in my images enable us to completely redefine and bring meanings to these negative spaces.

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Hollywood - Blind Spots


Ready, steady, go